Surgical Discharge Instructions

  • Your pet has undergone major surgery and is now discharged from Hometown Veterinary Services for continued care at your home.

  • Your job during your pet’s recovery period at home is just as important as the surgical procedure.

  • Below we have addressed everything you need to know for successful at-home-care after surgery.

Post-Sedation Aftercare

If your animal has had surgery at Hometown Veterinary Services, your pet has undergone sedation by way of an injectable agent, to induce an unconscious state for short periods so that a procedure could be performed pain-free. Please click on the button below to be directed to directions on how to care for your pet at home, following sedation.

Canine Neuter Aftercare

Your dog is recovering from surgery and anesthetic and requires continued support and nursing care at home to ensure a successful outcome. During the recovery period of approximately 14 days, home care is extremely important. Please click on the button below to be directed to directions on how to care for your dog at home, following his neutering.

Canine Spay Aftercare

Your dog is recovering from surgery and anesthetic and requires continued support and nursing care at home to ensure a successful outcome. During the recovery period of approximately 14 days, home care is extremely important. Please click on the button below to be directed to directions on how to care for your dog at home, following her spay.

Feline Spay & Neuter With Front Declaw Aftercare

Your cat is recovering from surgery and anesthetic and requires continued support and nursing care at home to ensure a successful outcome. During the recovery period, home care is extremely important. Please click on the button below to be directed to directions on how to care for your cat at home, following his neutering/ her spay.

Feline Declaw Aftercare

Please click on the button below to be directed to directions on how to care for your cat at home, following declaw surgery.

Broken Nail With Sedation Aftercare

Please click on the button below to be directed to directions on how to care for your pet at home, following sedation.

Cat-Bite Abscess

Abscesses are often the result of a bite wound. Abscesses are a form of local infection that occurs under the skin. It is similar to a severe pimple. They are often filled with pus and occur following a puncture wound from a catfight. Please click on the button below to be directed to directions Cat-bite abscess care.

Dental Cleaning Without Extractions

Please click on the button below to be directed to directions on how to care for your pet at home, following his/her veterinary dental procedure. ​​​​​​​

Dental Cleaning With Extractions

Please click on the button below to be directed to directions on how to care for your pet at home, following his/her veterinary dental procedure.

Hometown Helping Hands

Please click on the button below to be directed to directions on how to care for your pet at home, following his/her veterinary dental procedure. ​​​​​​​

Ear Hematoma Aftercare

Your pet underwent a major procedure to correct an aural (ear) hematoma. As your pet recovers from surgery and anesthesia, it will require continued support and nursing care at home to ensure a successful outcome. Your pet's recovery period is approximately 30 days. Please click on the button below to be directed to directions on how to care for your pet at home, following his/her surgery.

Cherry Eye Or Prolapsed Tear Gland

A cherry eye is the prolapse of the tear gland within the third eyelid. Unlike humans who have 2 eyelids, dogs and cats have 3. The third one appears from the inner corner of the eye and covers the eye diagonally. This third eyelid contains a gland, the lacrimal gland that produces 30% of the total tears to help lubricate the eye and keep it healthy. When the gland becomes loose, it protrudes from the eyelid and is referred to as a cherry eye. Please click on the button below to be directed to directions on how to care for your pet at home, following surgery. ​​​​​​​